Vladimir Putin and
President Obama had an icy meeting on Monday.
This was after Putin delivered his speech to the UN on Syria. It would seem here that Putin holds the high
moral ground because (as I said yesterday) at least Putin wants to fight ISIS
and Al Qaeda and these other “Jihad” organizations, as Washington’s blog puts
it. Obama countered that these massive
death of civilians at the hands of Assad of Syria- - can’t be called an “internal
affair”. But Obama posed what I call a
weak argument since the President claims that “Assad is the best recruitment
tool for ISIS because they point to him as a force that must be combated”. My view is somewhat simpler. My motto is “Deal with one enemy at a time”. First you get rid of Al Qaeda and then worry
about Assad later. Just like Hitler got
rid of Poland making common cause with Russia, and then when Poland was gone,
he turned his sights on Russia. I think
there is some kind of negotiating room here to save lives. If Putin was able to get Assad to not use
seran gas on his own people, perhaps he can get Assad to tone down the other slaughtering
of innocent civilians. I think Putin can
out talk (debate) the President in any argument. As you know, annoying though it was, even the
right wing calls Putin a stronger leader. Sixty Minutes was on and they interviewed
Vladimir Putin on two of their three segments.
I must say I was favorably impressed with that interview. Putin seemed altogether more reasonable than
I was expecting.
For their third segment
they had Donald Trump. Trump wants
single payer government medical care where you get to keep your own doctor; so
it’s kind of the best of both worlds. Bill Carol also had a segment on Donald Trump covering the same interview. Trump wants to reduce maximum corporate rates to fifteen percent. I'm willing to go twenty but fifteen is too far. Trump also wants personal income maximum wates to be 25 percent. But trump claims it's going to be great because there will be so many jobs and our new revenues through the roof. Of course if there is really more jobs here than in Mexico, this will increase the "magnet" that Mitt Romney talked about to lure Latinos here. “Once
Upon A Time” was on instead of America’s Funniest Home Videos. I trust they will eventually have a new
season of that. CSI was announced to be
on CBS but I missed that as well as the Simpson’s to watch the rest of the
game. Twice during the game they showed shots of the developing lunar eclipse, which was more advanced in the Detroit night sky than it was here at the time. We were plagued by hazy clouds here. I went to bed when the game was
over with Detroit trailing by eleven points to Denver. I had a dream last night with a lot of mixed
up features. There was some documentary
on Jack Deveroux or something. It was
some show with a bunch of articles or I forget.
In another scene Paul was with Toby the dog and he tried to bite
me. Paul said “When I was packing up
your stuff in preparation for your move last week Toby wanted to go for a walk,
and when I told him “No” then he growled at me.
Shell Oil has announced
that they are abandoning drilling in the Arctic. They are the ones who just got the least to
drill from the Obama administration.
Obama of course is an “all of the above” energy person, including
fracking, including coal. They have
abandoned the idea of drilling because the exploration of two years ago didn’t
work out too well in terms of oil yields.
There is the problem of low oil prices, and transportation
problems. Also there are various
environmental regulations they still have to abide by that are
problematical. This was announced just a
few minutes on the Norman Goldman show, and it’s a good thing.
John Boehner apparently
was on Face the Nation and reportedly he attacked all of his former republican
friends. They’re sure continuing to
attack him now. But before he leaves Boehner
wants to “clear out the barn” and do even more “damage” before he leaves. Rush Limbaugh spoke of a man he knew who
previously spoke of Pope Francis as a dangerous liberal to watch out for. But now after this man hears the Pope’s
speech the other day, he’s a new convert to liberalism, and Rush is fit to be
tied. Good.
There is flowing water
on Mars that has been discovered according to Bill Carol. It’s mixed with some salt called perchlorate
or something that greatly lowers the freezing point of this “water”, which at
any rate would be undrinkable. But they
have proven it has water in it by spectrograph analysis. They have also proven that Mars used to have
more atmosphere by analysis of isotope gasses.
This “water” appears at the tops of craters with the sun shining on them
in certain seasons of the year. It’s
speculated that there might be a lot of frozen water that’s not part of the ice
caps but just in the ground. This water
“comes” from some place and we know water flows downward. They have also proven some liquid by
geological evidence.
You’ve heard people say
“The system never lets you get ahead”.
Elvis’ mother used to complain about how the welfare system never let
you get ahead. Well if you’re into Solar
power the utility people are gunning for you.
Listening to Bill Carol yesterday I didn’t know that even people with
solar panels run on a deficit and have a net bill to the power companies. Whatever they are “paid” for their surplus power
they more than owe back later on. As
such the conservatives are right in saying that solar power is failing to pull
its own weight. But of course Bill Carol
says if you cut back water usage they slap additional charges on you. And if you live near the coast and don’t use
your AC very much, the power company penalizes you for that. It seems they charge you for grid maintenance
and having the whole infrastructure of wires and power polls. I thought perhaps you could just pull the
plug on the utility company and wouldn’t need them at all. But this “they’re out to get you” extends to
drug policies. There is this disease
called St Philipe’s desease where sugar isn’t metabolized in the cells do to
the lack of a specific enzyme and up to about age six you develop OK but then
after that slowly turn into a mental vegetable with the mental capacity of a
three month old infant. But they did DNA
research and have cured this disease.
The drug companies don’t want to fund research of this nature because it
puts them out of business for long term drugs they’d otherwise use. But of course then they lie and jack up your
rates for a life saving medication forty fold, and claim THAT cost is for- - -
Future Research. Nobody should be
charged for research that hasn’t been done yet.
Also on the Bill Carol show were these credit card chips that they are
using in Canada and in every other country by now allegedly to cut down on
credit fraud. They are going to be
introducing them here come October first in two days. Apparently credit card fraud has doubled from
six percent to twelve percent since the year two thousand. But these are a paranoid punch. They have some strange ideas what “unusual
credit card activity” is. If you haven’t
bought gasoline in a week and then start buying some again, this is suspicious
behavior. If you have tried to use your
card and the ATM or whatever turned you down- - THIS too is “suspicious
activity”. But apparently these chips
carry more personal information about you than the magnetic strips and they
keep your card longer than just a simple swipe.
I think people have a right to be suspicious.
This is Tuesday
September 29, 2015 and this morning I changed the wallpaper from “Blue Lace” to
“Autumn” with the leaves. There was a
hint of a nip in the air this morning.
One might guess we’re done with the 95 degree weather. They said it was 96 degrees in Riverside but
it was only about 85 degrees here.
Cigarettes continue very hard to come by. I finally came across two filterless brown
butts to smoke. I shaved but two of the
heads didn’t appear to be turning much but I was too lazy to clean out the
blades. When even Paul is borrowing
cigarettes you know you’re in hard times.
It’s Stephanie’s birthday today and her bed time is seven o clock. And I thought I was weird being in bed by
nine. There is a possibility I might get
paid today. Last night it was network
news and ABC game shows. Then it was
“Gotham” but I dozed off a little. I had
some kind of dream I don’t remember. We
had corn flakes for breakfast and Paul gave me a second bowl without milk- but
I combined the remainder in the bowl with the remainder in the cup and I was
OK. We had a fried egg and toast and
butter and jelly. Lisa’s vision isn’t as
bad as I thought. This morning it was
just starting to get light and down the sidewalk a ways the two kittens were
playing and Lisa had no trouble seeing that.
I always thought she was near blindness with her advancing diabetes. Not yet.