Wednesday, April 30, 2014

People would love to "Drop the Hammer" on ALL their Enemies

Rush Limbaugh did his usual ranting on his show saying that the banning for life of Donald Sterling- - is an example of the Obama type state Fascism, which has been the cinnister goal of the liberals all along.  Rush maintains this ruling sets up a dangerous precedent of dual speech codes, one for Blacks, and a much more restrictive one for Whites.  Shawn Hannity was also filled with doom and gloom news.  He laments that now the United States is not respected around the world but openly mocked and that our debt keeps mounting.  The economy only grew at an 0.04% or something absurd like that.  That’s the smallest figure I ever heard of.  Keep in mind on the same day the Republican Senate filibustered the minimum wage bill, which would put a lot more spending money into the hands of the working classes to spend on goods.  Also keep in mind both the sequester, which is still in force, but also the savage winter so much of the country endured.  It’s a wonder we didn’t go negative in the gross domestic product this quarter.  Now they are saying that China is stated to surpass us in gross domestic product, which I doubt, b ecause they are having problems of their own like being vastly “over built” with a big backlog of unused inventory.  And there was a report last week that the average Canadian wage earner now has more buying power with his Canadian dollar than our workers have with ours.  So my response to all this is that this is an excellent time to load up on common stocks, which is where the rich people have their money.  Traditionally they say that during a bull market “The market is in strong hands” and right now if you buy you’ll be doing just what the multi millionaires are doing to beat inflation and the low interest rate blues.  Shawn Hannity also claimed that the real estate market in the United States is slowing down, something else which I strongly doubt.

 We have fresher news about this Donald Sterling guy.  The head of the NBA had been wanting to take action against this guy for years.  He’d had his eye on him for a long time.  But he had to wait until he did some move against the National Basketball Association itself.  They he “dropped the hammer on him”, a phrase which seems to be repeated a lot in the past 24 hours.  But Rush has strange ideas of consistency.  For instance when John Kerry made the statement in private to a meeting where reporters were expressly not allowed, to the “Trilatteral Commission”  - - this so called ultra secret organization - - a reporter from the Daily Beast or something - - Rush thinks this is fine.  But Rush doesn’t think it’s fair that the American People came to be aware that Romney regards fully half of Americans - - 47% as somehow “the takers” and will never change and never vote other than Democrat, and will never amount to anything.  To me the public has the right to know since campaign donation is austensively a Public act, just as trial by jury is a public act, and prospective Jurors have no expectation of privacy, in my opinion.  No less than Dennis Prager stated that all campaign donations are fine, as long as they are fully disclosed and made public.  So Mitt Romney had “no expectation of privacy” here.  But as to John Kerry there are subtle but distinct distortions in his words.  Rush quoted Kerry as stating that Israel has “Plans to institute apartheid”.  Kerry didn’t say that.  Neither did John Kerry deny that there were in fact Arabs in government in Israel.  But the premise of the Two State solution is- - is analogus to for instance Mexicans and the like here becoming “too numerous”.  People like Ronald Reagan and Marco Rubio perhaps, would like to see a permanent underclass of wage subsistence Latinos working as gardeners and housekeepers constantly in the shadows and afraid at any time they could be deported and grateful to have any job at all.  So it is in Israel according to Jimmy Carter that the Palestinians - - are an “occupied territory” just like in “War Baby” that Blondie song.  And the people in occupied territories don’t have the rights of citizens, just as Maurie Head, to use another song example, stated in the opening song of Jesus Christ Superstar.  “We are occupied.  Have you forgotten how put down we are?”   And again- - John Kerry said that this was a situation that could happen, not will, if current trends are allowed to continue.

OK this is Wednesday April 30, 2014 and it’s a double “Watergate” day.  1973 is when Nixon fired Halderman, Erlichman, Mitchell and Dean, and in 1974 the following year we are celebrating the fortieth anniversary of today, if when Nixon appeared on television with all of those “props” behind him of folders or albums - - of all the Watergate tapes.  Of course as you know the early tape transcripts had a lot of deleted dialog in them, and many of these were filled in as the months passed.  This was an “interesting’ period for me because I had absolutely no idea what lay ahead in my own future, and Mal Evans says not to say anything more about this period in my personal life.  This is phone company day- and I hope they arrive sooner rather than later.  This morning I got up a little before six and Janet mentioned an apple fritter for me.  Steve got castaways from Yum Yum Donuts- and all too often I have arrived after they were all eaten.  Such trips to the donut shop were much more common about a year and a half ago and this is the first occasion I can remember in - - months.  Then Mario gave me an almost full cigarette.  I decided to “bank a cigarette” and put it out and save it for later, a practice I wish I had done more of this past week.  Channel seven was once again having rather touchy reception.

The NBA leadership, this Silverman fellow- - exacted the greatest retribution the rules permitted for Donald Sterling’s remarks, made in private to his girlfriend where he was obviously being set-up.  No doubt she was paid off because somebody thought they could get the team on the cheap surrounded by a cloud of controversy.  Donald Sterling is barred from attending any Clippers game, of attending any Clipper’s practice or conversing with any of the players, or having any say in any business decision the team makes.  So like- what else can they do to him if he violates any of these decrees?  By a vote of three fourths of the team owners, Sterling can be forced to sell the team altogether.  The NBA didn’t have the power to strip ownership of the team from Silverman, so he still gets the money the players earn for him.  But the man has a lifetime suspension from anything associated with the NBA and has to pay a fine of two and a half million dollars, which is fully ten times worse than the worst fine possible in California for a botched medical operation where the surgeon was stoned or something.  To me this isn’t fair for a “speech crime’ made in private made to someone setting you up.  I had Sean Hannity on this morning and this guy has a lot of skeletons ratteling around in his closet.  He’s a “slum lord” and a tightwad.  He doesn’t want to fork out the money for the good players to field a decent team.  He has openly discriminated against racial minorities in his rentals referring disparagingly to Latinos and saying Blacks were unwashed.  He’s a guy whose made a lot of enemies along the way.  And yet all of this was completely ignored till this latest incident of the past few days.  So the Duck Dynesty guy is a hero, George Zimmerman is a hero, and Cliven Bundy and Ted Nugent are heroes to some.  But this guy is a goat, even to someone as far right as Sean Hannity.  In Federation news- - Mal Evans has gone public complaining of the unjustness and vindictiveness and “political game playing” of this penalty today.

The Clippers beat the Warriors last night 113 to 103 and lead the series 3 games to 2.  The Kings are still alive, believe it or not.  The phone lines are fixed and I again get a dial tone and am able to dial.  I didn't know this at the initial posting of this blog before dinner.  In terms of the last few postings on this blog before this one- - you could see they seem more than a little paranoid- - and even "breaking with reality".  Perhaps I should have left some of that stuff unsaid.  I don't know.  Things were becoming particularly oppressive and paranoid in my personal life at that time, so you'll pardon me if some of that was reflected in blog postings.