"I Hear the Voices - - "
-George W Bush
"My greatest fear as a Christian was not
that one day my life would come to an end
but rather that my life would
Never Have A Beginning"
My acquaintance with certain spirit guides
actually precedes my acquaintance with Christianity
So I can't be accused of a spiritual "Carley Manning"
or adopting an Alternate Belief System to Christianity
once I deduced that all HOPE was Gone
Before we begin tonight's feature presentation on our esteemed President's State of the Intercourse message last night, I would first like to talk about a period in my life I made the mistake of sharing with Pastor Don 25 years ago. I have a feeling he was thinking things about me that were never said out loud, at least to me. It's probably significant that I met my first spirit guides not while living at my parent's address but "On the road to San Barnadino" to quote a lyric. There happened to be three of them but the number was not at all significant, and by the way for you B O C fans, they were not dressed in black and they didn't say "Don't Report This". "He said one - and one - and one - is three" (That line is more relevant but for a different reason) The period from September first 1954 to April 3rd. 1955 is a period which, if I were my parents I wouldn't feel comfortable talking about, besides if they said anything it would probably not be accurate. When I was little I would have these dreams where this white incandescent sphere would be floating past me and it would frighten me, and contrary to what Sylvia Brown says, I don't think it was an angel". I'll take it up with her some day.
Well yesterday morning I made certain statements. Many of them were prompted by a “spirit guide” if you will, I refer to by the initials of F H. He said that Obama would be in full scale retreat and do everything he could to impress the republicans to keep the status quo and that security and restrictions of civil rights further would be trumpeted and that he would announce that he wanted to scrap most of the health bill in the spirit of compromise. None of that happened. Instead I was impressed with the way the President stepped up to the plate. He said all the right words, and now it’s incumbent on him to walk by them. The speech didn’t begin real promacing since there was rhetoric about “I feel your pain” and letters from children and “we all have concerns” and “America is still number one” and other puffery that could just have easily been given by a Republican. But then he got into the nuts and bolts of our pressing problems. The speech began at 6:12 and ended at 7:22 making the speech an hour and ten minutes – definitely one of the longer speeches. He told congress on the health bill, “Just get it done”. He threatened to veto any bill that contained pork barrel projects and said all such pork should be plainly posted on the internet. He said the money saved would make up for the money spent this year on the recovery. He outlined everything Bush did that got us to this point. But he said the freeze in spending would not begin till 2011 “when the recovery was stronger”. That makes sense. He said to put an end to the partisan bickering and “Just because the republicans have the power to do something (like stop government) doesn’t mean they should do it. He promised to rewrite the tax laws so that it would not be adventagious for corporations to relocate off shore. He chided the media for their endless sound bites and encouraging the division to get ratings. He criticized the Supreme Court decision of last week and urged congress to pass laws barring foreign corporations from funding U S campaigns. He took on the lobbyists. He said no lobbyist was getting any government post. He said most of the TARP money had been paid back but with the remaining money it should be used to generate small business loans. I did not hear anything specific about restoring Glass – Steigel. He spoke of how all of this would not be easy but hard but this was one of those moments in US history that demanded decisiveness and bold action. He also coined a term, at last for the past decade, which is now coming to be called “The Lost Decade”. In my life there are times when I think of it as the Lost Decade. I would sure rather be 49 than 59 given the choice. The President spoke of winding down the war in Iraq and mentioned North Korea and promised to get tough with Iran if the situation demanded. He said we should put away talk of “which party is tougher on terrorism than whom”. Then he mentioned civil rights around the world raising examples such as women in Afghanistan trying to get an education. He also talked about how American youth needs a first rate education if they are going to get first rate jobs and has a new government program for that. He also talked about the need for new domestic energy in ways that impressed me such as “Drill, baby, drill”. He spoke of clean coal and of revitalizing our nuclear plants, and new green jobs. Finally he did what I never thought he had the cajones to say. He said that “Don’t ask; don’t tell” must end and gay people deserve equal rights. He only spend about ten minutes on foreign policy, understandably, given these trying times. Nobody can accuse the President of being timid in this speech. Well, like I say, he’s said all the right words, and that is an important first step. He realizes what he has to do; now it’s time for us to do it.
Apple today introduced their “I Pad”. That name is so obvious I’m surprised I didn’t predict it ahead of time. The I Pad will do for E books what the I Pod did for music. Well, at least we’ll save a few trees – I think. Many say they won’t buy now however because they’ll just come out with a better, cheaper one this summer. The screen is a touch screen - - but it’s big enough to watch HD movies on and do other things. I’m a little surprised that apple didn’t yank the rug out today because lately people have been “set up” to expect a new thing from apple that they didn’t deliver.
You know - - I think America in some ways is more demanding of the television media today. They’ve done some things right. You have more avenues than ever to generate feedback on what you like and don’t like. The renaissance of the game show I think is a healthy sign. Competetion is always healthy and generates character. The rise of the reality show is also healthy. People have been saying for decades that TV was divorced from real life, but now real life has come to TV in a major way. More than ever news is covering things like health issues, that makes the public more informed. There is a awful lot of Entertainment gossip type stuff on, but at least when you have conversation at cocktail parties - - even the un hip won’t come off as a blithering idiot.
I thought of adding “Oh My Love” and “New York City” to the John Lennon compilation. The reason why I am not is because people from the Federation were saying, “John already has more albums dedicated to him than the other Beatles, and these fifteen songs cover the period well enough already without overdoing it”. Besides John Lennon himself says he has soured on “New York City”.
President Obama announced High Speed Rail transport for transportation and employment. I think that’s a pretty good idea. But I didn’t hear any specific proposal in tonight’s speech. But if it’s actually on the table, let’s just hope the Republicans like it.
Now Oregon wants an initiative to organize a state bank to serve the people.
I bookmarked ABC’s “Good Morning America” the other night for Videos.
The other day I changed a sentence to read “Judas had to think fast” in the “anointed” file, or rather, the blog that was lifted from that file -and hopefully my adding in a sentence will make it easier to follow. Yes, it is just a “story”, but one worth telling. This is information that readers of the Karmic suicide blog will want to know.