The following is a transcription of sorts of the snail mailing of the Saga of the Simpsons that was written March and May of 1994 and mailed to the media in early May. This story has undergone a few “revisions” as you can compare with the original.
Written by Bill Gunderson and Guy Owens
“Beauty and Sadness” (Smithereens) opening credits
The Samuelsons lived in
Back in those days Benjamin worked at a nuclear plant for Montgomary Bernes. He spent his spare time drinking beers at Moe’s Tavern with his drinking buddies, Homer, Carl and Lennie. Benjamin was seriously overweight and one day after a routine visit to Dr. Hibbert, Benjamin was diagnosed with the twin malodies of high blood pressure and diabetes. Benjamin was given medication for the high blood pressure but this played havoc with his sex life. His wife Marge complained but Benjamin appeared oafishly indifferent to his own state. Later on that winter after a period of wearing heavy snow boots, Benjamin developed a condition in several of his toes on his left foot, perhaps complicated by the diabetus. But one day Marge was shopping with her lady friends and one of them had heard a radio program on a Saturday morning where that specialist recommended massive doses of vitamin E for just this case of threatened amputations. Benjamin eagerly took the pills. Filming for the series was frequently interrupted because several times Benjamin would black out from a sugar overdose and have to be taken to the emergency hospital. But finally the Vitamin E worked on his toes. Benjamin regularly rated as the least safety conscious worker at the plant.
In the spring of 1990 the plot thickened when Marge found herself to be pregnant with her fourth child. The filmers of the series agreed then that they would not extend this documentary beyond the original first year, but it was calculated that if they ran all the film they had shot in this one year it would take them twenty years to air it. It was at this time around the summer of 1990 that Benjamin showed the first signs of going a little bonkers. He doubted whether he was the father of Marge’s child. He also at this time began obsessing on his family history. His grandfather, Ziek Samuelson looked like a Black man and had Black features. But Benjamin was convinced his family had no black blood. His father Abraham even had problems himself being on record as having a black father because they tried to put him in the Negro wing of the service, but he managed to convince the authorities he was really White. Benjamin was an avid watcher of StarTrek the next generation and in the final episode Piccard was taken over by the Borg. Later in the next season when Piccard was home at the vineyard with his brother, Benjamin kept saying “His brother ought to be court-martialed for disloyalty”. Then when his new son was born they decided to name him Earl, because it sounded like royalty. Earl was born just a few days into Gulf War II in January of 1991. Marge heard Benjamin saying some really strange things to the baby in his crib, such as “I hope there is a war going on when you grow up because that way you’ll get to fight in it and be a credit to your country”.
It was sometime in the spring of 1991 that some friends of Marge suggested that she and Benjamin attend an religious meeting of an offshoot of the
It was around March of 1993 that Marge was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She remembers the date because Benjamin was home with a hangover from celebrating St. Patrick’s too much at Moe’s bar. Of course Benjamin gave her sympathy and all and prayer vidgels were held for her. Bart though thought these prayers of his father were incencere. Kids pick up on these things. He said that Benjamin didn’t really love her and that he cared more about his work at the church than he did life with his family. Benjamin was among those who raged against President Clinton and listened to Rush Limbaugh constantly, echoing every line of invective that Rush spiewed out.
In January of 1994 the Samuelsons moved to
When Maggie graduated high school at sixteen she got a full scholarship to Massachusetts Institute of Technology where she went and got stellar grades. She graduated with honors. Earl meanwhile was kind of a lazy, shiftless teenager who was heavily into drugs and pornography and treated women shabbily, and spent money like a drunken salor and was heavily into pornography. He was still living with his father and one day he said to his father, “Give me my share of the inheritance”. Benjamin’s will had stated that the males, Bart and Earl were to get one third of the estate, while the females were to each receive only half that or a sixth of the estate because they were women and would presumably marry a rich husband. This occurred about mid summer of 2009 when Earl was eighteen. He roamed the country spending his money on gambling (he usually lost) and booze and prostitutes and drugs.
His father, Benjamin meanwhile had become a Pastor of a large and growing church congregation in
His father, Benjamin lived now in a large farm style mansion-estate. One thing that Earl noticed right away was that while all the grass around was dead, his father’s fields were lush and green. Even the cows mooed with contented expressions on their face. The shrubbery around the house was neatly groomed, and the house was freshly painted white decked out in trim of red, white and blue. There was a new gold knob on the door gleaming in the noon day sun. He tried his key but someone had changed the lock. Inside his father was busy with a bunch of blond bimbos and one of the house-keepers saw Earl’s wounds and used iodine on them, which hurt like hell. Bandages were applied. Earl saw that the furniture in his bedroom had been completely replaced. His father had filled this house with a bunch of expensive pictures on the walls and vases and antiques of every sort. He marveled that nothing had toppled. His father must have earthquake proofed everything. He made his way into the bathroom looking for some topical pain killer. But all he saw in the medicine cabinet were a lot of bottles of peroxide. For dinner that night they had fish, and Lima beans and parsnips and rhubarb pie for desert. He knew he was allergic to rhubarb but ate it anyhow and broke out in blotches all over. He later learned that his brother was now working for his father as his money manager. This made him jealous. He spent his time in the den with a lot of girls he called up to have sex orgies with, when they weren’t watching pornography.
It was one Saturday morning Earl remembers, almost the anniversary of his mother’s death in early May, when he woke to the news that his father Benjamin was dead and that he had been knifed repeatedly, OJ Simpson style by his brother Bart. When they questioned Bart on the murder and compared notes it seemed that Benjamin would pit the boys against each other. He would tell Earl that he was a bastard and a nobody but he was “willing to overlook that”. And he would taunt Bart with the idea that Earl still had another third of the Estate coming when Benjamin died. Benjamin would constantly play mind games on Bart. The two had gotten into numerous religious arguments over various Doctrines. They argued about the Sabbath, with Bart insisting that it was to be observed on Saturday while Benjamin insisted it was Sunday. Bart regarded Benjamin as kind of a pig who didn’t really care about either his congregation or his family and that all he was in it for was the glory and the greed. He would often make reference to his sainted mother, Marge, and how if she were alive she would be shocked at the state of moral depravity to which her husband had sunk. He was now in a jail cell and lay down for a night’s sleep. Bart dreamed that he bribed a guard by promising him sex with his ex wife Melinda but he had to make a phone call, and he wanted privacy “because it’s kind of personal” so while the guard was just around the corner he slipped into a heater vent and made his escape from the prison, but then they discovered he was missing and so sounded the alarms and the lights and there was a car chase- - and then the breaks on Bart’s car went out and he was headed right for an oak tree- - and then he woke up. And then the next morning his sisters Maggie and Lisa visited him and he talked about how he couldn’t help it but his father drove him to it, and his attorney showed up and the sisters left and they sat down and prepared the Court strategy for Bart’s defense.